The Edition

The cost of net zero

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In this week’s podcast:

First up, to deny the man-made climate crisis we now find ourselves in would be an act of wilful delusion. But what is the right way for the UK to try and minimise this looming disaster? In our cover story this week Ross Clark looks at the financial viability of the government’s central proposal: getting to net zero. Lara Prendergast talks to him along with James Kirkup, chair of the Social Market Foundation, who writes in this week’s magazine saying that the cost for net zero is more than worth it. (00:48)

‘Ten years ago, electric cars were a work of science fiction, now the best-selling car in the UK in June was the Tesla.’ - James Kirkup

Meanwhile, as Covid restrictions lift, some of you may be considering an international holiday, thinking that the effort and cost of testing and quarantine would be minimal. Well think again. We talk to Matt Quinton about his trip home from Malta and the odyssey he went through to try and get a simple ‘Day 2’ Covid test. We are also joined by Virginia Messina, the acting CEO of the World Travel and Tourism Council. (17:56)

‘What is clear now is that if you’re fully vaccinated you could just take a rapid test, so what we’ve been arguing is that it should be the government paying for them.’ - Virginia Messina

And finally, for the majority - if not all - of the 20th century, America was the ‘shining city on a hill’ that many Europeans headed for. But is that still the case? Not according to Sean Thomas, who says that the American Dream might be well and truly over. But on the podcast, we’ve also brought the host of The Spectator’s Americano podcast, Freddy Gray, to give a glimmer of hope that the USA isn’t in terminal decline. (27:39)

Presented by Lara Prendergast

Produced by Sam Holmes