Cormac Murphyoconnor

Why won’t Theresa May respect the status of our 3m EU immigrants?

Why won't Theresa May respect the status of our 3m EU immigrants?
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There are many reasons why a majority of people in the UK voted to leave the European Union. Among them was certainly not a wish to be inhospitable and uncooperative with our fellow Europeans (Leading article, 23 July). Now it is even more important that EU nationals in Britain should have their status respected and not be used as a bargaining point in future relations with Brussels. Nor should we forget the considerable contribution that so many of them make to our national wellbeing. Furthermore, what about the two million or so UK nationals living and settled in many parts of Europe? Are they to be ignored and their security put at risk for no valid purpose? Paradoxically, Brexit should encourage us to be better Europeans and foster mutual generosity and understanding in every way possible.

This is an extract from the Spectator's Letters page. To read more letters, click here