Rod Liddle
Why it has to be Kemi
Have you considered a career in whoring? It can be very rewarding, apparently – especially financially. World’s oldest profession and all that, a job which offers the potential for travel but which can also be done without leaving one’s bed.
A chap who teaches children about sex, Justin Hancock, thinks the kids should not write off prostitution as a viable career option. Justin’s various modules and Q&As on a whole array of vices and foul perversions, most of which he seems to like, are published under the name ‘Bish’. On whoring, ‘Bish’ advises one young woman who had a, er, negative experience as a prostitute: ‘There are many, many people doing sex work who do enjoy what they do – even if they don’t necessarily enjoy the sex. It can be a really difficult job but many people find it rewarding – just like other jobs. This is especially true if sex workers mainly have good clients, which I don’t think you do. If you did want to continue, maybe you could get better clients?’ There y’go – just move upmarket, love. Perhaps charge £500 rather than only a tenner.
— B I S H (@BISHSexEd) August 6, 2021Inclusive, critical, and accurate #sexeducation should be free for young people. Bish is one of the leading online resources for 14+ Can you help fund it? Just £1 a month would be amazing.
Mr Hancock’s website is aimed at ‘every-one over 14’, including parents, who are advised to make plasticine models to demonstrate to their children which parts of the body can be touched to indulge in ‘perfectly pleasurable activity’. We have come a long way from Baden-Powell, no? My response to this kind of stuff is the same as ever: a forlorn wish that one day the chill, piercing wind of Odin will strike down from the north and rid us of this filth. But maybe I would be better off putting my hope in a certain K. Badenoch.
Mr Hancock has built a business purveying this rot under a Conservative government: we have had one, unmediated, for seven years. Yet still our children are force-fed Stonewall’s grotesque propaganda, while the same organisation has its claws in a vast array of both government and non-governmental institutions. The number of girls referred to discuss exciting medical transgendering experiments at the Tavistock Clinic has increased fifty-fold since we last had a Labour government. There has been little or no kickback from successive Conservative governments against any of this stuff, nor protection for academics who voice their complaints about the long march of the transgender movement. Conservative governments have been complicit in the attacks upon the country’s history and heritage under the guise of ‘decolonisation’, and it is under Conservative governments that police chiefs have ‘taken a knee’ to the obnoxious and divisive BLM movement and painted their patrol cars in the rainbow colours of the LGBTQ+ flag. Under the Tories, spurious ‘hate incidents’ logged by the rozzers have soared, while crimes against property go unpunished.
My point is this. In the various hustings arranged by the candidates for the Conservative party leadership, the talk has all been of tax cuts. Either tax cuts right now, if you’re most of them, or tax cuts in the future, if you’re Rishi Sunak. Nobody is questioning the rectitude of tax cuts – and nor should they, because the Conservatives are supposed to be a low-tax party. But then so is the opposition. Labour will also pledge to lower taxes, especially for the poorest in the country.
There will be no clear blue water between the two major parties on financial issues when the general election comes along, then. Both parties will wish to lower taxes, both will wish to reduce our debt, and neither will properly spell out how this magic is going to occur. Nor will either party venture to suggest that the NHS needs either major neuro-surgery or should be privatised, sadly. In other words, there will be nothing to choose between Labour and Conservative on economics, just grandstanding and posturing.
I do not for a moment doubt the severity of our financial crisis, nor the damage occasioned by the spiralling cost of living and the concomitant pay demands pouring in which will keep inflation high. We are in a pickle, but it is one in which virtually every-body evades the issue, while talking about it continually.
It is my contention, however, that the so-called ‘culture war’ is even more important than our economic crisis, because it has been a sustained assault by a tiny elite of progressives which has damaged the fabric of our society, sowed division just when those divisions had been healed, and subjected all of us – but especially our children – to absurd and odious propaganda, virtue signalling and an insistence that our country is responsible (or at least the white folk in it are) for every sin existing in the world.
All of the progressive culture-war stuff is very easily disproved, but the Conservative government has been terribly shy of so doing, whether it be on the subject of race, gender or history. If the Conservative party were to fight a general election on the issue of this culture war, it would win with some ease, just as Boris Johnson did in 2019. There is little Labour can do about it. Sir Keir will drop down on to one knee, or shun a black evangelical church which had doubts about the rectitude of homosexuality, whenever he gets the chance. He has to, because his is the party of identitarian politics. The overwhelming majority of the voting public hate it, the opinion polls seem to suggest – even if a very small minority of largely young folk sign up to the idiotic shibboleths.
Imagine a brilliant young woman of colour taking this fight to the electorate and in doing so reconnecting her party with the true notion of Conservatism. Improbable though it might seem now, there would be another landslide.