Piers Morgan

Why Donald Trump will win in 2020

Why  Donald Trump will win in 2020
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Writing in September 2015, I predicted Donald Trump would win the White House — and was ridiculed by political ‘experts’ for being so dumb. Now, I predict that President Trump will be re-elected in 2020.

Why? First, because the Democrats are being dragged so far left by ranting young firebrand socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez they can’t possibly beat a guy who’s got the US economy purring, job numbers flying, Isis fleeing and China blinking. Second, because the Trump-bashing mainstream US media undermined their collective credibility with over-the-top 24/7 coverage that Special Counsel Robert Mueller would find Trump colluded with Russia to fix the 2016 election — only for Mueller to clear him.

My friend Donald’s not everyone’s cup of tea. But he’s a brilliant campaigner who’s won every political contest he’s entered, and when your opponents are this prone to self-harming, it makes winning so much easier.

This article is an extract from Piers Morgan's Spectator Diary, available in this week's magazine.