Piers Morgan

What Donald Trump looks for in a diplomat

What Donald Trump looks for in a diplomat
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Trump unleashed a media firestorm when he tweeted that Nigel Farage would make a great UK ambassador to the United States. Everyone assumed he was joking. He wasn’t. ‘You know what a diplomat is?’ he once told me. ‘It’s a person trained from a young age how to be nice. In other words, Piers, you could never be a diplomat!’ He’s right, I couldn’t. Neither could he, and nor could Farage. But the latter is undeniably a very street-smart, canny operator who knows how to win, and Trump loves people like that. ‘Diplomats may be smart but they don’t have any savvy,’ he explained. ‘We need absolute killers to do our deals with countries like China and India.’

Farage’s only barrier for entry to Trump’s negotiating team may be his beer-guzzling. Trump’s never touched a drop of alcohol because his older brother Fred died from alcoholism, and he hates big drinkers. ‘I’ve seen alcohol destroy people,’ he told me. ‘Society encourages it; you can drink anywhere. I preach to people not to start drinking. I mean, try something else — try milk.’ Maybe time for an extended dairy-only detox, Nige.

This is an extract from Piers Morgan's diary. The full article can be found here