
Welcome to post-truth America

Welcome to post-truth America
Fox News host Tucker Carlson [Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images]
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A couple more weeks in the Bagel and then on to dear old London. I’ve had a very good time partying with young friends here, but the place reeks, literally as well as metaphorically. The rate of violence is creeping up, with gangs shooting at each other even on 59th Street and Fifth Avenue, right where the poor little Greek boy grew up. Where a commemorative plaque marking young Taki’s residence should have been put up long ago for services to American women, there was a corpse. The next day, it was forgotten, as an 11-year-old was gunned down in the Bronx.

What used to be extreme radicalism is now the reigning ideology of every major American city. Speech patterns have changed, and the meanings of words are perceived not in the way they were intended. Everything is politicised and crime rates have gone through the you-know-what. Political and racial differences stoked by the internet threaten major US cities, as contempt for the police and American institutions in general becomes the default stance of the ruling elite. I’ve never seen it this bad, even at the height of the Vietnam conflict, when Black Panthers were openly shooting at cops and Hollywood and the left were rooting for them. Now it’s much worse, and only Rupert Murdoch’s newspapers and TV network stand between the maintenance of some semblance of the past and total chaos.

And speaking of Rupert Murdoch, his Fox News is the most popular cable network by far, something the left simply cannot abide. So what do they do? They openly fabricate, associating his commentators with any crime du jour, as with the recent outrage in Buffalo, where an 18-year-old white madman gunned down 11 black people and two whites after immersing himself in racist content easily found in internet forums.

Not content with innuendo and libellous hints, subversive know-nothings employed by the Bagel Times then quoted some obscure left-wing professor who blames the Fox star commentator Tucker Carlson for inflaming the killer moron. When a black assailant ran down 70 white Christmas marchers in Wisconsin late last year, killing six, he was described by the lefty media as being momentarily mentally impaired. So I ask you: who do you think that 18-year-old was when he killed ten black people in cold blood, Albert Einstein?

About ten years or so ago, before he became a star at Fox, I had lunch with Tucker Carlson. We exchanged numbers, but have not communicated since. I found him to be a very polite and well-informed young man, with good manners, something that is almost unheard of among American journalists. At present the Bagel Times is running book-length stories about him, singling him out as the prime mover behind the ‘great replacement’ phrase, which claims that sinister elites, especially Jews, are deliberately bringing in immigrants to displace white Americans. The theory has its origins in France, when Renaud Camus used it as the title of his book back in 2011. When the slogan was used in Charlottesville, Virginia – where a young Taki went to university and where no plaque commemorating that event is to be found – Carlson said on his nightly programme on Fox that he ‘didn’t like’ the protesters because ‘race was at the centre of their worldview’, so the links made by the Bagel Times ignoramuses are wrong. What is worse, however, is what lies behind the organised attack against him.

At a very chic dinner party last week, a lady lamented what would happen if 91-year-old Rupert were no longer around. I assured her that he is in excellent health and that his legacy will continue. Which is why the left in America is trying desperately to silence Fox, the Wall Street Journal and the NY Post. Link Murdoch’s media to white supremacists and the ‘great replacement’ theory and – abracadabra! – you have an excuse to discredit his media empire. Link Tucker Carlson with the Buffalo madman and – abracadabra! – Carlson is toast. The fact that the madman’s 180-page manifesto doesn’t mention Carlson is irrelevant. As is the truth where the left is concerned.

What is more interesting, and far sadder, is the fact that on the day that ten died in Buffalo, similar numbers of people were shot in Philadelphia and New York. But it was everyday crime, and America is now so used to it that it did not figure in the equation used to discredit Fox and company. The fact that Schumer, the senator from New York, a man who would sell his own mother for publicity, and deliver her also, tried to tie Carlson to the Buffalo case illustrates the depth of Democratic corruption and dishonesty. These so-called elites really take the rest of us for less than numbskulls, dunderheads. There is something warped about their attacks on truth and refusal to accept facts. Bile against whites does not alter the fact that gangland crime is the real scourge.

There is no conspiracy, but when a Bagel Times editor, Sarah Jeong, is revealed to have said how much ‘joy’ she gets at ‘being cruel to old white men’ and is defended by fellow clowns at the paper, that might be a legitimate cause of concern to some.