Tom Morgan

The best cycling accessories for your new commute

The best cycling accessories for your new commute
Photo: Lumos bike helmet
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As the Prime Minister announces a new scheme where GPs can prescribe bikes to help combat obesity, there’s never been a better time to saddle up and cycle to work. Biking to the office avoids the need to compete for a metre-plus-squared of space filled with with Joe public’s recirculated air – a boon in the current era. And to get you well on your way, here’s a small list of the best accessories for your new bike to set you off on the right path.

Brooks Cambium C17 saddle

Switching out my standard manufacturer supplied saddle for one of these has been the biggest game changer in comfort on the commute. Potholes and uneven road surfaces which once used to be a literal pain in the – well, needless to say they are no longer a challenge with this fine, Italian-crafted waterproof saddle. It’s dead stylish too, and can make any old bike worthy of a hipster Instagram photo.

The Lumos Kickstart bike helmet

Solstice is behind us, and the nights are getting earlier. Before you know it, cycling in the dark will be upon us, so kit yourself out with this smart bike helmet. Packed with LEDs from all angles, this bike helmet also handles turn signals for you, giving you confidence to own the road in busy traffic. At £140, this helmet might sound a little steep, but considering a the cost of a good helmet and bike lights, it represents fairly good value. Or, you can back their latest project on Kickstarter for $79 and potentially bag yourself an absolute bargain.

The Bike Parka

The increase in commuters cycling to work is going to cause a headache for employers whose ability to offer bike storage is limited. No one wants their shiny new bike sitting out in the rain. Equally, not everyone has the luxury of a garden shed to store their bike in at home. Enter the bike parka, the smart-looking and affordable bike covering that keeps your bike dry and clean when not in use. Packs up into a neat little bag for storage and easy-to-fit, the Bike Parka also features Velcro lock-through panels so you can lock your bike up too.


It’s been a trend for a while now to have a dashcam fitted to your car – but if you’re going to be riding to and from work every day, a ‘bar-cam’ for your bike should be a consideration. A cheaper model will do, but the GoPro HERO8 is still the gold standard in small-format video recording. With frankly insane stabilisation and video quality, you’ll be able to spot the number plate of a badly behaved driver from a distance…