Liz Anderson

Liz suggests | 10 January 2009

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Cirque du Soleil has taken a surreal turn with its latest show, Quidam, at the Albert Hall: a headless man with an open umbrella, a crowd of people wearing white protective overalls doing, well, nothing much ... but it’s the acts what count. Most are thrilling: a couple lift, stretch and contort themselves in slow motion into anatomically-unbelievable positions; four Chinese girls looking about 12 years old spin their diabolos; and other members of the company skip, somersault, tumble and chuck one another high into the air. Lots more good stuff and, thank heavens, no tedious clowns — there’s only one, and he’s actually quite funny.


Critics have been rather dismissive about Australia, Baz Luhrmann’s new film. But if you have three hours to spare, want stunning scenery and a real tear-jerker of a love story, this is one for you. But remember your handkerchief.

Things to look forward to

Alan Bennett’s play Enjoy is coming to the West End from Bath, where this revival had great reviews; it stars Alison Steadman (lately of television’s Gavin and Stacey, which, hurray, will be having another series soon); from 27 January at the Gielgud. Tate Britain’s Van Dyck and Britain blockbuster from 18 February promises much. And if you want opera, there’s the brilliant Jonathan Miller’s new staging of La Bohème from 2 February, plus John Adams’s Doctor Atomic from 25 February - both at English National Opera.