Andrew Adonis

Let’s move the Lords to Manchester

Let's move the Lords to Manchester
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Andrew Adonis, one of the policy brains of the Blair government and now seated in the House of Lords, has a letter in tomorrow's edition of the Spectator responding to Neil O'Brien's cover article of last week. In it, Adonis suggests one way that the political class could help purge the Londonitis from its collective system: move the House of Lords to Greater Manchester. Here's the full text of the letter, for CoffeeHousers:


As Neil O’Brien rightly says, London is New York, Washington and LA rolled into one, which is unhealthy for our national politics. So I have a serious suggestion. If the House of Lords is going to be reformed next year, part of the reform should be to move it out of London to a city in the Midlands or the north, perhaps next to the relocated BBC in MediaCity in Salford Quays.

Half of our national politicians would then assemble well away from ‘Planet London’. The public purse would make a net saving by selling the vast and expensive property portfolio the Lords has been acquiring to house its 850 members along Millbank and the surrounding streets. And yes, yours truly — a Londoner and proud of it — would be happy to lead the way, if by then I am still a member.

Andrew Adonis

House of Lords, SW1