
King Charles addresses the nation

King Charles addresses the nation
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This evening King Charles III addressed the nation for the first time as sovereign. He reflected on his mother's life-long service and pledged to do the same, saying: 'As the Queen herself did with such unswerving devotion, I too now solemnly pledge myself throughout the remaining time God grants me, to uphold the constitutional principles at the heart of our nation.'

The King praised his predecessor, remarking how 'in her life of service we saw that abiding love of tradition, together with that fearless embrace of progress, which make us great as Nations. The affection, admiration and respect she inspired became the hallmark of her reign.' His speech also contained several interesting points of protocol: he signalled that he would no longer make political interventions and spoke warmly of 'Harry and Meghan' in a potential olive-branch. Prince William becomes Prince of Wales, succeeding Charles.

But it was the conclusion of the King's address which will be most remembered, as he paid a personal tribute to his mother:

To my darling Mama, as you begin your last great journey to join my dear late Papa, I want simply to say this: thank you. Thank you for your love and devotion to our family and to the family of nations you have served so diligently all these years. May 'flights of Angels sing thee to thy rest'.

You can watch the speech in full below, or read it here.

Written bySteerpike

Steerpike is The Spectator's gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from Westminster and beyond. Email tips to or message @MrSteerpike

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