Fisher Investments UK

The death cross isn’t stocks’ Grim Reaper, according to Fisher Investments UK

The death cross isn’t stocks’ Grim Reaper, according to Fisher Investments UK
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Here at Fisher Investments UK, we think that looking at the death cross has major flaws as a technical indicator and a poor history of predicting the future. A death cross occurs when a short-term downtrend (stocks’ 50-day moving average) falls below the longer 200-day moving average. According to the theory, when a death cross occurs stocks will lose momentum and struggle — or worse. Proponents point to global stocks’ death crosses in December 2000 and September 2007 — both near market peaks.

Trouble is, there are more false reads than positive. According to the data we see here at Fisher Investments UK, global stocks flashed death crosses in 2004, 2006, 2011, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 — all global bull market years. While death crosses can occur in bear markets — huge, fundamentally driven downturns — they also strike during short-term corrections and other blips. They don’t render further declines automatic.

The death cross looks backward, but past trends aren’t predictive. This is hard for many to fathom. If something falls in nature, logic says it will keep falling unless something stops it. But here at Fisher Investments UK, we think that applying this notion of momentum to stocks is wrongheaded. Laws of physics don’t apply to equities.

Stocks aren’t serially correlated — what just happened doesn’t affect what happens next. This isn’t to say historical charts themselves aren’t useful. They can be great. Often, a chart is a wonderful way to depict a complicated trend, describe recent economic or market conditions or otherwise add perspective. But Fisher Investments UK believes that using depictions of past returns to colour your market outlook is a dangerous practice.

Instead, you can use other rules to evaluate whether it is a correction or bear. Like our three-month rule: don’t take defensive action until three months after a peak has passed. This gives you time to assess whether a bear is actually there and helps save you from being fooled by a correction.

We like to follow the 2 per cent rule here at Fisher Investments UK, which we believe can help you spot the difference. Bear markets decline about 2 per cent monthly from peak to trough and start slowly. Even if you stay invested through the earlier stages of a Bear, the 2/3 – 1/3 rule gives you time to get out later. Roughly two-thirds of a bear’s losses come in the final third of its life. In contrast, because corrections are sentiment-driven — swings of emotion — we don’t believe anyone can reliably time one. Hence, we think the best course of action is to stay disciplined and ride it out.

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