Piers Morgan

Donald Trump has more time for me than for Theresa May

Donald Trump has more time for me than for Theresa May
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When I spoke to Trump after he won (I got 15 minutes, five more than Theresa May; not that I’m suggesting for a moment I’m more important than the Prime Minister. Obviously) it was clear that he, too, is highly amused by the sheer scale of the unctuously sycophantic U-turns he’s had to endure since landing the White House. ‘Everybody suddenly loves Trump again!’ he chuckled.

Perhaps my most delicious schadenfreude arising from Trump’s ascendancy is the abject humiliation it’s imposed upon that other billionaire Apprentice host, Lord Sugar. The pair of them had a very bitter Twitter exchange a few years ago, during which Sugar informed Trump: ‘Success is measured with what you have in business. I own all my real estate with no bank borrowing — how about you, big shot?’ Sugar followed up with: ‘You only have 1.9 million followers, not good for your ego, how come I have 2.5 million?’

Trump toyed with Sugar’s bravado like a great white nibbling on a gnarled old dolphin. ‘Dopey Lord Sugar,’ he retorted. ‘You’re a total loser who Piers Morgan doesn’t think is very smart or rich. I agree with Piers!’

Given Trump’s become the most powerful man on earth and now has 16 million Twitter followers (11 million more than Sugar), it’s perhaps unsurprising that ‘Dopey’ has gone a bit quiet on the how-to-measure-success front.

This is an extract from Piers Morgan's diary. The full article can be found here