Andrew Roberts

Dear Mary: I’m addicted to Gogglebox

Dear Mary: I'm addicted to Gogglebox
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From Andrew Roberts

Q. My wife and I are addicted to the brilliant TV series Gogglebox, which makes us feel proud to be British. We know two of the people who appear on it socially and might be meeting them in the new year. How can we show our appreciation of their superb, hilarious and insightful contributions without seeming sycophantic or embarrassingly adulatory?

A. No need to worry as one of the couple is so reclusive you are unlikely to encounter him outside the television screen. The other would be able to offset any sycophancy with her memory of the verbal abuse she once received when tactlessly bursting into your bedroom at a house party to give you an unwelcome wake-up call.

For more letters to Dear Mary, including ones from Ed Balls, Nigel Farage and Bill Bryson, click here