Ed Howker

David Miliband and the death of New Labour

David Miliband and the death of New Labour
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Perhaps 'Red' Ed deserves his moniker for the backing he received from Labour's Unions but, whatever the reality of his supporters, I am struck by the similarities between the language and instincts of the two Miliband brothers. So here, very quickly is a comparison of the themes in Ed's first speech as leader and David's previous outings:

Ed: When you deprive Sheffield Forgemasters of a loan, a loan from which government would be paid back, you deprive Britain of the ability to lead the world in new technology.

David: Never again should the Sheffield Forgemasters of this world be dependent on the U turns of ministers.

("The Change Britain Needs", King Solomon Academy, London, August 2010)

Ed: We have to challenge the old thinking that flexible labour markets are always the answer.

David: By regulating – on working conditions, union recognition and minimum wages – to ensure flexible labour markets are fair labour markets.

(David Miliband speech on Britain's role in Europe and the EU, July 2008)

Ed: We came to look like a new establishment in the company we kept, the style of our politics and our remoteness from people.

David: I stand before you, clear in my task: to once again make Labour a force that takes on established thinking.

(The Change Britain Needs, August 2010)

Ed: And, just as businesses have responsibility to ensure fair pay, so those who can work have a responsibility to do so.

David: I stand for a moral economy. People should not be playing games with other people’s money in the welfare state, but nor should they do so with our pensions on the trading floors of the City.

(The Change Britain Needs, August 2010)

Ed: I believe in not just a minimum wage but the foundation of our economy in the future must be a living wage too

David: I support calls for a living wage, to complement the National Minimum Wage.

(Your questions answered - Week Two - Living Wage, 15 June 2010)

It's been suggested that Ed Miliband finally laid New Labour to rest yesterday (When trenchant party loyalists like Harriet Harman's clap criticism of a war they voted for you certainly get that impression); but looking back on David Miliband's speeches you get the sense that it died months ago.