Janet de Botton

Bridge | 21 May 2022

Bridge | 21 May 2022
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It was time to celebrate! The Schapiro Spring Foursomes was back again after the enforced Covid break, and the EBU’s best tournament (IMHO), with its double elimination format, was down in numbers but not in quality. My team was knocked out in the quarter-final by 1VP by the team that eventually won: Team Hinden, a highly successful and effective foursome, who had added Tony Forrester (no less) to their squad.

Today’s hand shows Tony’s excellent technique succeeding where many of us would have failed, taking the easy route.

West led a Spade, and Declarer tried the Queen, but East won and shifted to a Club. Declarer won in dummy and played a Heart to the Queen, then cashed the ♥Ace, on which East followed with the King (play the card you’re known to hold).

It looks like South is forced to guess the Diamonds – which he can’t on this occasion – but Tony showed us that looks can be deceiving.

He played a Spade to the Ace and ruffed a Spade, then took two high Clubs, the second of which he ruffed in dummy and ruffed the last Spade in hand. The stage was set; he took the last high Club, which obviously East didn’t ruff, although he probably knew his fate.

The black suits were all eliminated. Someone has the Jack of trumps but then it’s all Diamonds. Tony just exited a Heart and East had to play a Diamond away from his A,Q.

Very nice indeed!