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Beyond the stethoscope: transforming the NHS with new technology

Beyond the stethoscope: transforming the NHS with new technology
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For technology manufacturers, healthcare is already big business, and, with an ageing population increasingly comfortable with technologies that would’ve been unthinkable even a decade ago, the opportunities to innovate are only going to increase. The Future Health Index, a global report commissioned by Philips, supports the fact that it is not just the UK’s younger generation that are embracing these technologies. However are these products – from popular or trendy FitBits to state-of-the-art imaging equipment – really going to revolutionise the country’s medical care? And will the NHS require a head to toe change of ethos to accommodate them?

Spectator editor Fraser Nelson is joined to discuss all this by Neil Mesher, CEO of Philips UK and Ireland, Professor Tony Young, Director of Innovation for NHS England, and Tara Donnelly, Chief Executive of the Health Innovation Network.

This podcast was sponsored by Philips, a leading health technology provider. For more on the 2017 Future Health Index go to

The views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the sponsor.