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After the pandemic: how we can rebuild ourselves – and the world

After the pandemic: how we can rebuild ourselves – and the world
[Image © Cameron Gray]
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For many, 2020 will be remembered as a year of momentous change. But what will become of its successor? Rather than the quiet return to normality, could it be that 2021 actually registers as something altogether more profound?

That’s the hope of Zulma Reyo, an educator and the writer of the book Inner Alchemy: The Path of Mastery. Her work focuses on fundamental questions of purpose, consciousness and self-transformation. Questions which, for many people, will take on a new resonance after the pandemic.

Born in New York to Puerto Rican parents, Zulma has spent 40 years living, studying and teaching across Europe, Asia and South America. During this time, she has immersed herself in diverse philosophical traditions, from western, eastern and esoteric schools. It’s a journey that has culminated in the writing of Inner Alchemy.

[Image © Cameron Gray]

The book, like Zulma’s in-person teaching, is based on her experiences with leaders, thinkers and students across the world. It is intended to help individuals access the reality of higher consciousness, not only as a deep personal experience, but as a route to improving the world around them.

For Zulma, it is a mission that has been brought into even greater focus by the tumultuous events of the past 18 months. From the united efforts against the pandemic to worldwide demonstrations, millions of people have been moved — both physically and spiritually — by a desire to change the way they perceive the world around them.

But where does change really come from? Could it be that, while powerful desires are enough to energise us, the process of actually re-shaping the world calls for something much deeper? Namely, a fundamental reassessment of how we see and understand ourselves.

[Image © Cameron Gray]

In her book, Zulma explores how the principles of alchemy — the body of esoteric knowledge that goes back to early human history — can be applied to our self-development. The end result is a simple but transformative idea: that by rebuilding ourselves we can find the power to rebuild the world.

At the same time, she is clear that Inner Alchemy is ‘no self-help book’. Rather, it is a journey ‘from self to Self’. By engaging with her teachings, readers are invited to realise their true power as creative and spiritual beings and apply these to transform the world around them.

The book is divided into multiple parts, including one exploring the human energetic anatomy and the powers that we possess. Another explores the energetic anatomy of the world around us; that is, the different dimensions that make up our reality and how we might access them. A further part reflects on how this knowledge can be used for real action.

Zulma Reyo

These teachings also inform the Zulma Reyo School of Consciousness (ZRSOC), an educational programme seeking students wishing to apply this wisdom in their own lives. Based in Mallorca, Spain, the school offers a fully funded three-year programme, divided into modules of concentrated in-person teaching.

Both Inner Alchemy and ZRSOC are supported by LightEn, a philanthropic organisation promoting excellence in spiritual and humanitarian education.

For more information on Zulma Reyo School of Conciousness visit www.zrsoc.com.

Download a free copy of Inner Alchemy book here.

You can connect with Zulma on Instagram, Facebook or YouTube.