Andy Shaw

A handy guide to Left-wing people for the under 10s

A handy guide to Left-wing people for the under 10s
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Left-wing people in the olden days

Left-wing people used to like working-class people.

Lots of left-wing people used to be working-class people. These people were known as socialists and joined trade unions.

Sometimes working-class people used to frighten left-wing people, but they pretended that they weren't frightened and were nice to them.

Left-wing people supported working-class people, gave them money, sat in rooms with them and wore badges to show that they cared more than right-wing people, who wore ties instead of badges and didn't care.


Nowadays, working-class people are bored with socialism because it hasn't made them rich and happy.

Nowadays left-wing people are middle-class people. Working class people are a big disappointment to left-wing people.

Left wing people now think that working class people are:

a) Simple and easily led

b) Un-enlightened and susceptible to short-term pleasures

c) Terribly sad and struggling, unable to cope on their own

d) All of the above

Education is a life-long task

Left-wing people think that working-class people are unable to think for themselves and require life-long education to help them make informed decisions.

Left-wing people work tirelessly on education programmes to encourage working class people to buy expensive food and clothes and not cheap food and clothes. They are disappointed that working-class people are un-ethical.

Working-class people like to drink alcohol, have sex and eat tasty food. They do not understand that these activities are dangerous and need continuous education from left-wing people.

Working-class people need to be protected from newspapers, even though they don't read them anymore. They are easily influenced and their happy-go-lucky ways can be turned into bigoted nasty ways. Left-wing people are needed to help them use Facebook carefully and not make mistakes.

Left-wing people like to be sad and unhappy

Many left-wing people have a very nice life, but they like to be sad. To help with this, they choose to be sad for other people. Sometimes these people are far away and sometimes they are nearby, but different to them.

In the olden days, left-wing people tried to make it better for other people. Nowadays, they like to protect them by being offended when a working-class person doesn't behave properly.

Left-wing like to help other people by being offended on their behalf. This means that the other people can carry on with their lives and the left-wing people do all the work. This isn't really fair, but the left-wing people seem to carry on doing it, so they must enjoy it. Despite all this effort left-wing people are still very sad.

Left-wing people care more than other people

Left-wing people care so much that they love the whole entire planet. Other people don't care about the planet, they only care about themselves and other people that they know. This means that left-wing people have to love the planet even more, even more than they actually like other people.

Left-wing people show that they care by telling other people about how much they care. They send special "I care" signals to other people. Forwarding videos on Facebook is one way that they can show how much they care. The videos often show people far away who are living miserable lives, but pictures of cute fluffy chickens in nasty factories are considered sufficient.

Left-wing activists (see below) are very helpful. They make lots of "I care" videos which makes it quick and easy for left-wing people to send their "signals". They do this several times throughout each day when they are not busy.

Sometimes Left-wing people are made angry by other people

Left-wing people care so much, it makes them hate people who don't show that they care. These people are right-wing people. Left-wing people have given them a name. It is "Tory scum". Left-wing people like to shout at the right-wing people and tell them that they are scum even when they aren't listening.

Shouting at the Tories is another way to show that they care. Caring is very important to left-wing people.

Left-wing people care so deeply that they don't have time for thinking and convincing. They use their precious time for shouting about caring.

Also, working-class people don't know what left-wing people are saying, so it is helpful when they point to the right-wing people and shout "scum". They think that working-class people do understand shouting and caring.

If you have observed someone and you are not sure if they are a left-wing person, seek their opinion on "the Tories". If they start to shout and care, they are left-wing.

Left-wing activists are helpful

Left-wing activists are left-wing people who have an internet connection. They make the internet very loud.

Left-wing activists help other people care on the internet. They are very helpful in pointing out when people have forgotten to show that they care. They help people in many ways - watching videos, commenting on things and clicking on buttons called "start a petition". Left-wing activists sometimes go outside their houses and meet other left-wing people and they care together and shout at the Tory scum.

Left-wing people are funny

Left-wing people have "enlightened comedians" who make jokes on "panel games". These are broadcast on the television and BBC Radio 4.

The enlightened comedians make people laugh at right-wing people, whom they consider stupid. In the olden days, comedians made jokes about Irish people, but these comedians weren't clever like the enlightened comedians.

Instead of the Irish people, the enlightened comedians make jokes about working-class people.

Because they care, they use special words like "Glaswegians", "Sun readers" and "UKIP supporters", so the working-class people will not notice.

Working-class people do funny things like drinking Monster energy drinks, eating Haribos and watching television. This is funny and the enlightened comedians are helpful because they point at them and laugh, so we know who to laugh at as well. It is very funny and we all laugh because we are enlightened too.

Further reading

In the 1930's George Orwell wrote about the left-wing people he knew in "The Road to Wigan Pier". It is very funny.

I have known numbers of middle class Socialists, I have listened by the hour to their tirades against their own class, and yet never, not even once, have I met one who had picked up proletarian table-manners. In his heart he feels that proletarian manners are disgusting...he hates, fears, and despises the working class.