Magazine: 7 May 2016

Turkey’s triumph

Turkey’s thuggish president has European leaders exactly where he wants them

Update: Since this article was published Ahmet Davutoglu has resigned as Turkey’s Prime Minister. Reports suggest this comes as a result of a rift with President Erdogan caused by the increasingly ‘Presidential’ nature of Turkey’s politics.
The mosques are our barracks, The domes our helmets, The minarets our bayonets, And the faithful our soldiers…

Update: Since this article was published Ahmet Davutoglu has resigned as Turkey's Prime Minister. Reports suggest this comes as a result of a rift with President Erdogan caused by the increasingly 'Presidential' nature of Turkey's politics.

Update: Since this article was published Ahmet Davutoglu has resigned as Turkey’s Prime Minister. Reports suggest this comes as a result of a rift with President Erdogan caused by the increasingly ‘Presidential’ nature of Turkey’s politics.
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Update: Since this article was published Ahmet Davutoglu has resigned as Turkey’s Prime Minister. Reports suggest this comes as a result of a rift with President Erdogan caused by the increasingly ‘Presidential’ nature of Turkey’s politics.

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Written by

Douglas Murray is associate editor of The Spectator and author of The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity, among other books.

